Christmas/New Year’s Eve 2014 was a simple year. My family woke up on Christmas morning, did our annual recorded gift opening thing, had breakfast, and proceeded to journey to other houses to exchange gifts.

Probably the really different thing this year was my sister, brother, and I giving our parents presents. We gave them custom made sweatshirts, and we each wrote letters to them (Me: Mom; Brother: Dad; Sister: Both). It was a bit emotional, but truly worth it.

This year, I got clothes, some new notebooks, and two mugs.

This one was from a coworker:

And this one was from my parents!

Needless to say, there has been much coffee and tea consumption in these lovely mugs–and there will be for quite a while.

This year, we spent New Year’s Eve at my grandmother’s. Not much pictures from that time, since my phone was dead, but it was small, quiet, and full of much merry–awesome, in other words.

So, for all my frustrations, I can’t really complain. Lots of good things have happened. I can only hope that everyone has a good year.

On the upside: My holidays were pretty cool!

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