
Welcome, welcome, welcome! I am Iris Claudio, and I have decided to have a blogging adventure in the land of WordPress. So far, I’m just some English Major writing things and posting it here. Anything that I’ve written and published in the past (most likely from my Tumblr), I will shift over to here, just because.

I’m not always going to be consistent with my blog updates. I’m a student, ergo, I’m often busy. And unfortunately, my muse can be rather fickle, so my writings might not come up as much as I want.

Anyway, I’m available in other places.

This is My Tumblr. This is where I mostly rant, write, and reblog things like cute pictures/GIFs of cats, puppies, comics, Sherlock and Doctor Who. Warning, however, it does contain a lot of language and some NSFW content. Plus, it’s Tumblr. Tread cautiously, dear reader. I also have two other Tumblrs, one where I post nonfictional prose and the other where I post and blog about food (sandwiches in particular).

Here is My Twitter, which I’m still getting used to. But eh, I’ll get the hang of it eventually.

When it comes to writing, I usually try to write in third-person, usually in present tense. If I do end up shifting tenses in my writing, please let me know! I really hate shifting tenses in writing; it not only causes confusion, it’s just an example of bad writing.

Sometimes, however, I will write in second-person–because I like to experiment.

If I won’t publish anything fiction related, then most likely I will just talk about what’s on my mind.

Here’s hoping, WordPress…ers. If that’s a word. (I’m totally making it a word. Yeah, I’m totally allowed to do that.)

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